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Initiating breast milk supply

Time to read: 3 min.

Though breastfeeding is natural, the technique is a learned skill and it may take time and patience for new mums and their babies to master it. As they become more practised, breastfeeding will become easier and more pleasurable.

A nurse gives a mother information about mastitis.

Initiating breastfeeding and breast milk supply

  • Mothers are more likely to stop breastfeeding when they feel their milk supply is inadequate
  • Mothers who have lactation risk factors often require extra support to establish their milk supply
  • Early identification of women with risk factors for delayed secretory activation (lactogenesis II) is vital
  • The first hours and days after birth are critical for mother and infant to effectively start to build milk supply

Starting things right

  • Effectively “switching on” the breasts from the beginning (initiation) is required for mothers to achieve adequate milk volumes
  • Getting it  right from the beginning has a significant impact on a mother’s long-term milk production

Our step-by-step ‘Initiation’ infographic shows how mothers can get their milk supply off to a good start to enable exclusive breastfeeding or an exclusive human milk diet if breastfeeding is not possible.

Maternal risk factors for poor milk supply

  • There are several risk factors which may affect whether a mother can exclusively breastfeed
  • Awareness of risk factors can highlight a need for extra early breastfeeding support
  • Early intervention is essential for at-risk mothers to help them achieve their long-term breastfeeding goals

This infographic on lactation risk factors provides more information on evidence-based clinical steps needed to support these mothers.

White paper: Improving delayed lactogenesis and suppressed lactation in at-risk mothers

This white paper gives you an overview of how to identify mothers:

  • at risk for delayed onset of milk production
  • with multiple risk factors
  • whose infants are not breastfeeding effectively

Download the white paper on improving delayed lactogenesis.

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  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Pumping
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Discover in-depth courses at Medela University

We invite you to explore Medela University where you will find online courses for healthcare professionals on breastfeeding & lactation. We also offer a number of free webinars.